Sugar Cravings

Mold makes you eat carbs and sugar!

November 18, 20232 min read

You read that right: mold makes you eat carbs and sugar! 

Mold is a common, yet often overlooked, inhabitant of our world. It can thrive in various environments, from the damp soil of a forest to the confines of our homes. This seemingly ubiquitous substance has an enjoyable diet that allows it to flourish in diverse conditions. Let's look at what mold eats and how it interacts with its environment.

Mold's Feast: Organic Matter

Mold, a fungus, feeds off dead or dying organic matter. This could range from fallen leaves and logs outdoors to bread, cheese, and other foods in your kitchen. The molds produce chemicals that initiate decomposition, making the food break down and rot.Molds also have a taste for wood. Wood is biodegradable, and mold can start to grow when exposed to high moisture content for any length of time. Over time, if left unchecked, mold can eat away at the wood, causing severe structural damage to buildings and homes.

Are you craving carbs and sugar?

A person who is mold toxic or suffering from mold illness often experiences cravings for carbs and sugar. This can be attributed to molds, being fungi, feeding on sugars and carbohydrates. When a person is exposed to mold over a long period, the mold toxins can disrupt the body's natural hormone balance, increasing appetite and cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie foods. These cravings are essentially the body's response to mold toxins, as the mold uses sugar and carbs to fuel its growth. Therefore, mold-toxic individuals might find themselves with an insatiable desire for sweets and carb-rich foods, not realizing that it could exacerbate their mold-related health issues.

Mold detox requires a comprehensive and personalized approach to manage. If you want to know about this, send me a message! 

To schedule your Toxic Mold Detox Consultation click here

Don't let mold ruin your life!

Sugar Cravings Cravings Candida Sugar
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Fabiola Reyes

Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore, Nutrition Response Testing® & Quantum Nutrition Testing Practitioner finding the root cause of chronic illness.

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What is the Toxic Mold Blueprint, and how is it different from other toxic mold health regimens?

The Toxic Mold Blueprint is a comprehensive approach to wellness for those exposed to and experiencing symptoms of toxic mold. It gets the the root cause of your situation and restores health & vitality. I consider all aspects of your health including detox and proper diet for toxic mold recovery, but also your lifestyle, emotional well-being, and overall health. My approach it unique to you and takes a more personalized and holistic view. I assess your unique needs, taking into account your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. MY goal is to create a plan that aligns with your individual goals and addresses the root causes of any health issues, providing a more balanced and sustainable path to wellness.

Will I to follow a strict diet plan, and can I still enjoy the foods I love?

At Root Cause Solutions For You, we believe in creating nutrition plans that are both effective and enjoyable. There may be a period during detox that requires a strict eating plan to accomplish optimal health. And we may recommend adjustments to your current eating habits, our approach is not about strict diets or deprivation. We work with you to incorporate nourishing, whole foods that you enjoy into your daily life. Our focus is on making sustainable changes that fit your lifestyle, allowing you to savor the foods you love while promoting better health.

How long does it take to see results with The Toxic Mold Blueprint?

The timeline for seeing results with an mold detox can vary depending on individual factors, including your specific health goals, commitment to the program, and the nature of your toxic mold exposure and state of health. Some clients may experience positive changes within a few weeks, while others may take longer. Our approach emphasizes long-term health and well-being, so we prioritize sustainable progress over quick fixes. We'll work closely with you to set realistic expectations and create a personalized plan that aims for gradual and lasting improvements in your health and vitality. Your journey to better health is unique, and we're here to support you every step of the way.